I have a Save button in LC8. I can't seem to get it to work. I have the code app.execMenuItem("Save") on Click. If I cahnge the code to Save As it works fine. Should this be working or am I missing something. The Save feature under the file menu works fine, so the form will save. It has been saved with Reader access too.
* If the form has been opened from the web, it is sitting buried in the browser cache, so saving to it there would make it a headache to find later!
* If the form has been opened from an email, it is sitting in the email folders or a temp folder, again, not easy to find afterwards.
* If the form has been opened from a server share, then the end user is about to save their data to your blank form, which is probably not what you intended since others may need the blank form!
Having said all that, Thom Parker has written an excellent tutorial on this very site which discusses the security aspects and solutions. Hopefully you will find it of help to your case, but if not, let us know, and we'll try to help out :)
LiveCycle Designer 8.0
"Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration." ~~ Thomas Edison
"If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger hammer." ~~ Alan Lewis
"If the conventional doesn't work, try the unconventional" ~~ DaveyB