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LiveCyle - Inserting/Deleting Pages, Document Size, Add & Subtract #s

Registered: May 19 2009
Posts: 8

Hi, Three Quick Issues:

1) I have created a 17 page Document that has taken me forever to get just right. However, I need to delete the first page and replace it with another page. Not knowing any better, I edited/created the document in LiveCyle and now I can't seem to delete or insert any other pdf pages. How do I get around this? For simplicity for my clients I need to be able to send just one form that they can open and enter the data, save, and return.

2) The document is 17 pages and is now a 32MB document. Seems huge. Is there a way to reduce this as a LiveCycle Doc?

3) Is there a way in LiveCycle to Add and Subtract numbers. I have an income and expense page. I need to add up the income, add up the expenses, then subtract the expenses from the income leaving me with a positive or negative number.

I only have Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Standard to work with.

Thanks So Much.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jun 3 2008
Posts: 232
I am confused as I thought that Acrobat 8 Standard did not include Livecycle. If you have Acrobat 8 Professional, which does include Livecycle, then you will have to create a new page by going to INSERT on the toobar, then NEW PAGE. It will be blank but you can probably copy and paste from another Livecycle form into the new page if you have one to do that with.
2. There is a document available named "Improving the Performance of Adobe Livecycle Designer Forms." It has tips for how to make LCD form run faster.
3. LIVECYCLE DESIGNER SCRIPTING BASICS is resource that can be downloaded from the Developer Center (I think) or just search for it. It tells how to do many things in Livecycle and gives samples. This includes calculations in Javascript and FormCalc.
Hope all of this helps with your project.
Registered: May 19 2009
Posts: 8
Thank you. I did have 8 Professional at my office, but my computer only has 8 Standard so I guess I may be stuck. Do you know if I buy 9 if I can open the document in there and insert/delete pages as I am trying to do, even if it is created in Live Cycle?
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
The problem is not the version of Acrobat but the underlying technology that creates the LiveCycle Designer form that is not very compatible with Acrobat. So even with version 9 you will not be able to delete LiveCycle Designer form pages.

George Kaiser

Registered: May 19 2009
Posts: 8
So is the answer that now that it is in LiveCylce there is no way to insert/delete way to open it, resave it, transform it, use at fluxcapaciter, magic, voodoo... nothing? Is my only option to completely redo the form?