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Modifying Form Properities Security Settings...

Registered: Oct 9 2008
Posts: 8

OK - So, I have a form where I created in Livecycle ES 8.2. I did not add security to the form so, I would assume that it would show with no security when opened in Acrobat Pro. But, for some reason it adds the following security when it states that there is no security: It states that Changing the document, Document Assembly, and Creation of Template Pages are Not Allowed.

Please help....

Background info: These are Static forms with some interactive fields (i.e. checkboxes and text fields).

Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
It just means that you can't make certain changes to a form created with LiveCycle Designer using Acrobat. For example, template pages are a feature of Acrobat forms, not XFA forms.
