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Multiple Selection Options

Registered: Feb 27 2007
Posts: 54

Okay, I think I need another set of "eyes" to help me figure this out.

I'm creating a form that will allow the end user to input data in various parts, select from listboxes (for one selection out of many), as well as radio buttons for a single selection (yes/no). I'm now to a section where the user should have the option of picking 0, 1, or multiple (up to 10 options).

The form is based on an XML file I've generated from an Access database. For this section (or node), I would like to pass the field values and if there is more than one selection, I should see multiple selections in my XML output.

I've done something similar in the past for another company I worked for and haven't worked with LiveCycle in about a year, so a bit rusty, but I've tried following the same logic in creating the form. In that form with the old company, I had a text box and using Javascript, had an event that would create multiple instances of that field and when I emailed the XML, I would see multiple nodes.

So, what next, how do I get this to work? I've tried just about everything with no luck, only one value gets passed.

thanks in advance for any help that someone can offer.

Registered: Mar 24 2009
Posts: 49
I always do something like you described: hidden field. In my opinion possible errors are:
1) You fotgot to save as dynamic XML form
2) You make an error in script (look at console to see if error happens)
Registered: Feb 27 2007
Posts: 54

I checked that already, still occuring. Even built a couple of blank forms with this option. Thanks for the feedback.