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Need to be able to print completed pdf form to hard copy

Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 9

I'm really frustrated. I created a 3 page form (registration for new patient) in LiveCycle, and put it on the client's website.

I thought the new patient could fill out the form, and when they clicked submit, it would send me a copy of the form with the patient's entries included. If I can't do that (right now, all I can get it to do is send an xml file), I need a way to merge the xml results with a word document, so it makes sense in our office files.

For example, the xml shows the patient's address and his business address. If I just paste the xml into word, I see all the tags, but when I print the page, only the entries I have two addresses, but no clue as to which is business and which is patient's home.

For the hard copy form in our files, we must have it say:
Patient's Address: 11 main street
Business Address: 123 Sweet Lane
I assumed that was a simple merge, but I can't find out how to merge the xml with the word doc, even though all the tags are there.

Is there a way to 1. Just send the whole document (even a tiff is fine, just so I can read everything on the pdf), or, 2. merge the xml data into specific fields in a word doc, or 3. import the xml data into an html page, and then I'll write a CSS script to print it out.

If it helps, my form can be seen at


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LiveCycle Designer
Registered: Jul 9 2006
Posts: 858
One main issue may be that the form has not been enabled with Adobe Reader Usage Rights.

This can be enabled by opening the form in Acrobat and clicking the Advanced >> Select Enable Usage Rights in Adobe Reader.You should also write a Javascript that auto checks the users version of Adobe Reader. As far as your issue with retrieving form data, try this.

Open LiveCycle or Acrobat, go to the Help menu and search for "import form data". You should find a solution there.

If all else fails, consider the services of, the only authorized licensee for Adobe Reader Extensions.

Hope this helped.

My favorite quote - "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 9
Thank you for responding. I'll start checking out the directions you have provided me.

Once I find such a javascript to autocheck the users version of reader, I'm afraid I have no clue what I should do with that information.

I think I've read, but not understood the "import form data" in help, but perhaps I've learned enough since that a review will help. Most of that, as I recall, was for something like interoffice use...I could send the form to designated people, and they could fill it out and send it back. My use is to have it on a website, and new patients could complete their data online, instead of the clipboard in the office routine. But, of course, we have to be able to know what they sent back, by labeling the, Name:I'll go study, and perhaps will need further assistance. I appreciate your help.

Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
This is not directly related to your problem, but I feel compelled to warn you about setting up a system that uses email to send sensitive patient information, such as some of what is collected with your form. Email is not normally a secure means to transmit data, and there are various rules, regulations, and laws that you need to be fully aware of. If you are unaware of HIPAA regulations, you need to understand how they apply to you. If you want electronic submission, you should look into setting up a secure web server (e.g., using HTTPS) to accept the form submissions.

Another thing to consider is that for a document that you enable with Acrobat Pro to be saved with Reader, you will be limited to using data from no more than 500 returned forms, including hardcopies. This limited is imposed by the Acrobat License Agreement. This is only a problem if you set up the system to submit the entire PDF. If you set up the system to securely submit just the form data to a web server, you do not need to Reader-enable the form, unless you also want to allow users to save a copy of the filled-in form with Reader.

Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 9
Good advice, George. Thanks for the reminder about HIPAA. Even though I had just put the client's HIPAA forms online, I wasn't thinking about our liability to the very same. So glad you "felt compelled."

The bottom line for me is that I have determined the fillable pdf is of minimal value for my application. I'm just going to have the patient's fill it out, and then print it to bring with them (instead of submitting electronically). It's not worth it to me to wade through hours of instructions, when I have no further applications in mind.

I appreciate the help.

Registered: Jul 9 2006
Posts: 858
I agree with George about form security. Please keep that in mind when posting your form on the Internet. I suggest a log in portal which will only allow registered users to access the form.

Here's some more info that may help.

docReady - This event is the first one that initiates after the form opens in Acrobat or Adobe Reader. Any calculation or scripting tasks that require the full form, or that should only run once when the form filler first opens the form, should use this event. For example, you can use the docReady event to check the version of Acrobat or Adobe Reader and return a message to the form filler if the form filler must upgrade the application before filling the form.

This Acrobat Javascript works in Acrobat for checking the Adobe Reader version of the user. If your form is developed with LiveCycle, they should have Reader version 7 at a minimum. You can modify it to run as a docReady event in LiveCycle.

Place this code as a Document JavaScript:

if (app.viewerVersion < 6) {
app.alert("You must upgrade your version of Adobe Reader to version 7 to use this form.")

Here's a useful link to some LiveCycle sample files from the book "Creating Dynamic Forms with Adobe LiveCycle Designer by J.P. Terry. The URL is: The book is less than $50.00 and is the only book I've found on this subject. You can download the sample files before buying the book.

My favorite quote - "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 9
Very kind of you to offer so much more additional information, pddesigner. Thank you very much.

I'm rather embarassed to say that now that I've asked for help, I really don't have time to invest in reading a book so I can complete this one application of a form. I'm a self-employed, writer and web designer that has to keep my nose to the grindstone if I'm going to keep my boy in college. So I'm forced to drop this project and I'll just have the patient print out the form and bring it in with them.

I appreciate everyone's help, and hopefully some future version will suffice for non-programmers like me.
