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Need to have date print when form is printed

Registered: Apr 28 2010
Posts: 112

I am working on a form in Livecycle Des 8.2 ES.

At the bottom of the Master Page I have a text box saying: Date Printed:

then I have to create some kind of field or whatever that, when the Print button is pushed, the actual date AND time will appear on the printed form.

Not being a JavaScript person, nor having used LiveCycle even 4 weeks ago, I have come pretty far with help on this and other forums, blogs, and also trial & error.

But this is a stumper to me.
I NEED to be able to do this.

Users will have access to the form to fill out, save, and print in Adobe Reader. The date/time stamp is crucial to the use of the form.



My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Apr 28 2010
Posts: 112
Figured this one out too!

Stuck a custom object date time and set it up to be visible only when printed. Set up the format with which I want the date/time to appear. Works perfectly!!!
