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newbie needs help with submit by email button

Registered: Jan 13 2009
Posts: 3

I am creating a form in Acrobat useing LiveCycle Designer for the first time. I may be clueless to all that is involved with the email submit button--but here is where Im having some trouble.

I am making a Work Request form that staff can submit to me via email.

When I use the New Form Assistant and choose a submit option (email submission) The submit tab does not show in the object pallet so I cannot choose how it will be submitted. I can however specify a subject for the email. Ultimately the email submissions will come to my email address. When I test this version--I get the email, but when I click on the attachment, it sends me to the internet browser and a bunch of code comes up--

Alternatively, if I create my own button and assign control type to submit, the submit tab now appears and I am able to choose pdf under "submit as" which works fine and sends me a pdf no problem, but I cannot manipulate what the subject of the email is.

Is there a way to either change the format to pdf when using the predetermined email submit button, or is there a way to set a subject when creating an email submit button from scratch?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: May 6 2008
Posts: 81
I know that this can be done with a server script like PHP. In LiveCycle Designer, automatic naming of the file itself isn't possible due to security issues, and I'm not sure about email subject lines, but this could be the case.

Until you get a solid response on this, you could look into using a server script to do this for you. I did it pretty easily with PHP. Just use an HTTP Submit button instead of an email and let the script do the email generation side of it.
Registered: Jan 14 2009
Posts: 26
Maybe this will help:

Create a button and on the MouseUp event, enter the following JavaScript. When you click on the button the Save As window will pop up so the user can enter a new name for this file. Then that file will be attached to a new email message with the sender, subject, and message automatically filled in.

app.execMenuItem("SaveAs"),"youremailaddress [at] whatever [dot] com", "", "","This is the subject", "This is the message in the body of the email");