Are you serious?
Are you serious?
var aTest = new Array(["California", "Ca"], ["Illinois" , "IL"]);;console.clear();for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {for(j = 0; j < 2; j++) {console.println('[' + j +'][' + i +']: ' + states.aTest[i][j]);} // end j loop} // end i loop
Since LiveCycle Designer converts the 'Math' properties to the specific property with a capital letter, you could try that. So you could try "Log(value)' and 'Pow(base, value)'.
A search for undocumented LiveCycle Designer functions results in the [url=]Undocumented FormCalc Scientific Functions[/url] that list a series of undocumented 'Math' methods that were part of the version 7 specification but are no longer listed.
George Kaiser