I would like to create a pdf from 2 different forms. Is it possible to have these 2 forms on the same page and navigate between them using tab controls, somewhat similar to an excel workbook having multiple worksheets ?
I would like to create a pdf from 2 different forms. Is it possible to have these 2 forms on the same page and navigate between them using tab controls, somewhat similar to an excel workbook having multiple worksheets ?
Not exactly like the Excel worksheet tabs, but you can create a PDF Package where navigating between the files is a single click to move between the two forms. With a package you would be able to leave the two forms as separate files (not combined into one PDF). There are some excellent video tutorials that explain the details of creating PDF Packages and their features here at AUC- just go to the How To ->Tutorial section from the main menu and enter "Package" in the search box.Hope that helps,
WindJack Solutions
Dimitri Munkirs
WindJack Solutions