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Parsing HTTP Posted values

Registered: Nov 20 2008
Posts: 3

I've created a test PDF through LiveCycle Designer, and for the Submit Action I'm having it submit to a test Classic ASP page I've made. All the ASP page does is email me the Forms Collection.

The code I'm using to do this is:
bodyText = "Form fields:" & vbNewLine
Dim x
For x = 1 to Request.Form.Count
bodyText = bodyText & Request.Form.Key(x) & ": "
bodyText = bodyText & Request.Form.Item(x) & vbNewLine & vbNewLine

Nothing fancy.... however, when I open the email, it shows that the collection isn't being broken up/separated at all and appears to be one long Form value. Is there an easy way of separating the values at all? I've made sure that the binding names are all different as well, but no luck.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 20 2008
Posts: 3
Nevermind... I did an update of Acrobat/LiveCycle and everything seems to be working now.