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Populate Data Into PDF via XML - housed on CDROM

Registered: Apr 1 2009
Posts: 5

Hello all,

I've spent HOURS attempting to find a template or sample of something similar to what I'm attempting to create.

Basically I've been assigned a project where I've been given a monster spreadsheet (20,000 X 25) and am supposed to create a front end PDF where it will be able to conditionally search the data to find a name (name begins with John Jones, OR employees are greater than 50 but less than 100), and when the record is selected pre-populate fields with data from the spreadsheet into a PDF (employees, street address, etc) based on the corresponding collumns in the spreadsheet.

The data will only be updated once a year, so it can all be housed locally - no need to update/grab data from a server, which I have to believe simplifies the process.

The workstation I'm on has Acrobat 9 Pro, Flash, Flex, etc, so if this isn't as easy as I'm thinking it will be I do have access to these programs. Although my programming knowledge is minimal, with source files to work with I should be able to work my way around and learn from mistakes...

ANY help you could extend on this subject would be GREATLY appreciated... Thank you so much for your time in advance!

All the best,

Mike D.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.1, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
If it's a PDF form with XML data then you'll want to look at developing your form in LiveCycle Designer (part of Acrobat 9 Pro. Extended). Here is a [url=]link[/url] to some examples to get you started. Specifically I'd take a look at the samples under "Working with data sources and schemas".

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for