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Problems with layout using text box columns

Registered: May 13 2010
Posts: 13

I have a client with a requirement that a letter (which is dynamically edited using floating fields) appear in French and English side by side. IE - the letter has two text boxes as columns. I'm having serious layout issues as soon as the text area spans over 2 pages. Any ideas on how to keep these text boxes straight? I tried using a table but was unable to get it to expand when needed.

Registered: May 13 2010
Posts: 13
Just replying to my own post with my solution in case someone searches for this with the same problem. Here's the article that helped the most:

I had to assemble my text in the backend using scripts since it needs to change on the fly and floating fields won't work in text fields. Made a ton of extra work but at least it's a solution.