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Radio buttons grouping together

Registered: Oct 22 2007
Posts: 25

I am working on a form that contains several sets of radio buttons. When I create the radio buttons for one group, ex. Configuration Control, Yes / No it works fine. Then when I try to add another set for a different group, ex. Unit Class, 1 / 2, this set gets group together with the Config. Control set.

In the Object pallet, Binding tab it adds the new set as values 3 and 4. Why are these sets getting grouped together? the only way I found around it is to save the form, close it and reopen it. This can't be right.

Any ideas about what i am doing wrong? Any help is appreciated!


Registered: Nov 1 2007
Posts: 151
I've had this one before and it can be maddening!

Select the separate group by holding control and clicking on the relevant button names on the hierarchy list.

Right mouse click and select Wrap in New Radio Button Group. This will group them together in their own radio button list.

Hope this helps.
Registered: Oct 22 2007
Posts: 25
Thank you SO MUCH! That worked out perfectly.