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Radio Buttons won't play with others in Tabbing Order

Registered: Mar 25 2008
Posts: 16

I have 4 radio button groups in 26 total fields in a form I creating in LiveCycle 8.0.
In the tabbing order they are set as 1, 2, 3 and 20 and they are also in their correct locations in the hierarchy. However, when tabbing through the pdf, they fall at 23, 24, 25 and 26 in the actual tabbing order. These radio buttons were the last items created in the document.

The document would be more user friendly if these groups would actually tab in the order specified. Any ideas?

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Oct 6 2006
Posts: 368
Have you tried manually setting the tab order?



Registered: Mar 25 2008
Posts: 16
Yes, I have manually set the tabbing order and the radio buttons do not want to participate. If I recall, they fit in a little better before I manually set the tabbing order but now they fall after everything else.
Registered: Oct 6 2006
Posts: 368
If there is anyway to see a sample of what you have that may help. I have found that with radio buttons the tab order can be rather tricky to get straight and it isn't just the order in the hierarchy that matters but their y position in relation to other fields some times.


Registered: Mar 25 2008
Posts: 16
Here is the pdf in question. Thank you for any assistance on this.

The radio buttons that are getting skipped over until the end are on page 4.
Registered: Oct 6 2006
Posts: 368
If I were you I would do this in Acrobat instead of Designer. Since the original was done in what looks like Word I think you would have better success with controlling the tab order as an Acrobat form. This form is a static interactive PDF form and I generally do those kinds (static forms where the layout was done in another authoring application) in Acrobat and when a form needs to be dynamic then I build it from scratch in LiveCycle Designer. Because you have converted this form from another authoring application and brought it into LiveCycle Designer as a background there are some things you can't do and I can't find anywhere to work with the tab order.

You probably didn't want to hear that.


Registered: Mar 25 2008
Posts: 16
Well, I figured something out and thought I would share. I saved the form in Designer as an Acrobat 7 pdf instead of the default Acrobat 6. This almost fixed all of the tabbing issue so the tabbing would proceed in the order specified. However, when I open up the document,and hit tab to go to the first form field, it takes me to a random field in the middle of the page. It then continues sequentially, so that's good enough for me.