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Reader 8 users get 'operation failed' error with LiveCycle 8 forms

Registered: Jun 14 2006
Posts: 25

I have forms I designed from scratch in LiveCycle 7.1 (?) (from CS2) and since my Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro upgrade, forms in LiveCycle 8. Users of Acrobat Reader 8, and myself, in Acrobat Pro 8, get the error message 'operation failed" when using the e-mail submit button on the LiveCycle 8 forms. but have no issue submitting forms created on the earlier version forms. I have designed all of the forms from scratch. All users have MS Outlook as their mail default, WIN XP Pro platform.

Any suggestions for a fix?

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: May 13 2007
Posts: 6
I have the same problem with the Submit by E-mail button. Clients with Adobe Acrobat don't experience this issue (i.e. they select the e-mail button, and a new outgoing message in their Outlook appears with the completed form as an attachment. Then, they simply press send and I'm the recipient of their e-mail and form.) However, clients with Adobe Reader only receive a message that they can’t save a completed form with Adobe Reader. Looks like it is a limitation in the reader program.

Have you found a workaround for this?
Registered: Jan 22 2008
Posts: 136
cjm your problem is different.

What you need to do cjm is open the documents back up in adobe acrobat pro and go to advanced-> enable usage rights in adobe reader.By default reader folks can only send data packages, which is the completed form data instead of the entire form.

Remember !not! to open the pub files back up and change them, change your original.

When you make the (user enabled) version you should not attempt to save over your master document.

I hope this helps you.