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Reader Rights - Don't work even when enabled

Registered: Aug 20 2009
Posts: 32


Can anyone know what causes the following problem?:

I have a form with enabled Reader Rights. And a huge problem with it.

Submitted form is revised and saved under new name. (Reader rights still enabled). But when opened by different user, info that the right are disabled pops up and user can't edit it (I can still edit it on my machine).

Where is a problem? And how to avoid it?

Disappointed Adobe Fan,

Registered: Apr 4 2008
Posts: 111
Is everyone using the same version of Adobe Reader?

A little info about the rights.
Registered: Aug 20 2009
Posts: 32
All people in my institution use Adobe Reader (8 or higher), and some of them Adobe Acrobat.
What is annoying is the fact that you can't fix the corrupted file. (And enable reader rights again)
Registered: Apr 4 2008
Posts: 111
Do you have a backup copy of the original file that became corrupted? Also there are tools that can repair a corrupted pdf file. You can try that in case you don't have a backup of the original file.
Registered: Aug 20 2009
Posts: 32
Lost information is not my main problem. When the filled out form looses Reader Enabled Rights the whole process of assessment is distracted.

When we created this form we did it to make the process faster and easier. Now it seems that old fashioned paper form causes less troubles.

There is no way to use the same version of Adobe Reader, and the name of the file has to be changed.
Registered: Apr 4 2008
Posts: 111
Is this the error message you're receiving?

"This document enabled extended features in Adobe Reader. The document has been changed since it was created an use of extended features in no longer available. Please contact the author for the original version of this document."
Registered: Aug 20 2009
Posts: 32
Registered: Apr 4 2008
Posts: 111
From what I found on the web:

The message indicates that some change has been made to the document that invalidated the extended rights in Reader. Given that the problems are with Reader 9 and Acrobat 9, the most probably causes are:

1) there is a script in the document that makes some extensive change such as adding or deleting pages.

2) some bits are getting changed in the document possibly as part of web serving or email transmission. Given the size of the document and the sporadic nature of the problem, this may be likely.

this might be of help as well.;jsessionid=%28J2EE3417800%29ID0561600850DB00926670208717262889End?blog=/pub/wlg/14842