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Reduce size of Form PDF file

Registered: Jul 17 2008
Posts: 53

I have a 3 page form that was created in Livecycle 8 and is to be distributed as a PDF. The final PDF file is about 1.2MB. What can be done to reduce the size of the final PDF file so that I don't run into email size restriction problems when the form is submitted?

There are not any graphics on the form, but there is script to populate a list box that has about 200 line items.


heather matthews
Registered: Jan 6 2009
Posts: 1
I am waiting for the answer to this one as well. If you look a little further down there is a post

"Small size file with LiveCycle Designer by patra" which has some information on formatting to minimize file size but sadly I have done all of this.
Registered: Jun 4 2007
Posts: 27
If you are using standard fonts, you can de-select Embed Fonts. This should reduce your file size.