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Repeat Header/Title

Registered: Mar 17 2011
Posts: 1

I am using Adobe LiveCyle Designer ES Ver.9.0 to create some forms for work.
The form that I am creating is a witness statement for the police service in my community and it has information at both the top and bottom that needs to repeat to each page.
The form is basically designed into 3 parts, top, middle, and bottom. The information at the top and bottom I only want to fill out on the first page and have it automatically copy to any additional pages. The middle of the form is the actual statement portion which will expand as you type out your statement causing it to flow onto additional pages if your statement is long enough.
I know how to get the text box for the middle to expand as I type, what what I can't figure out is how to get the text boxes for information such as:
- Police File/Case Number
- Statement Date/Time
- Name
- Victim
- Date of Incident
- Phone Numbers
- Address
to copy to each page. If I place them on the master page I still need to fill them out on each page. Is there a way to have it so when it is filled out on the first page, if the statement carries over to 2 or 3 pages that all that information will copy as well without having to be retyped on every page???

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 17 2009
Posts: 87
Global binding. Name the field the same on each page.