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Sample of "dynamic" form

Registered: Mar 7 2008
Posts: 11

I participated in the javascript seminar on 6/22 and asked if a form could be created that has the ability to "change" depending on a choice selected. Specifically we are looking at a form for our internal work if one type of work order is chosen one set up choices would be available but if another work order type is chosen another set of choices would be available.

In the chat window Dimitri indicated that this would be done in Livecycle and not Acrobat and suggested that I post a request in the forum and a sample could be provided. I must admit I am really a novice when it comes to javascript and I am definately not a programmer...just know enough to be dangeous. I have created many Acrobat forms and have not have much experience with Livecycle.

Thanks in advance Dimitri for providing a sample!


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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi Linda,

Here is a LiveCycle Designer PDF form from the Gallery here at AUC ( Link to Gallery of forms is in the top menu of this page) that shows different information based on selections in a check box-

There are also some very good on-demand e-seminar recordings on setting up and scripting LiveCycle Designer forms on this site. If you look in the list of e-seminars there is one by Thom Parker, one by Angie Okamoto, and another by Jim Healy. All would be worth the time to watch as it will really help you understand how things are arranged in LCD PDF forms.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions