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Saving file with hidden pages made visible

Registered: Oct 25 2010
Posts: 70

I've got a four-page form, with pp. 2-4 hidden from respondents. There's a password field used to unlock 2-4. At the end of the form is a signature field.
When it's signed (and saved), I've got four visible pages and a valid signature.
However, when I open the file again, pp. 2-4 are hidden again. I want a signed file to show all four pages when re-opened.
I can exclude the password field from the set of fields locked by the signature field. When I do this, though it shows pp. 2-4 as desired, it invalidates the signature, because a field has been changed post-signing.
Is there any way for me to have the signature field, pre- or post-signing, "lock" the presence of pp. 2-4 to visible in a way that will save with the file?

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Apr 26 2006
Posts: 62
Accepted Answer

First check the File > Form Properties > Defaults tab. Make sure that the "Preserve script changes" is set to Automatic. This should ensure that the script changing the presence of the two pages to visible is respected when the form is reopened.Also check that there isn't script in an event which fires when the form is opened, setting the presence of the pages to hidden.

Hope this helps,

Assure Dynamics

Registered: Oct 25 2010
Posts: 70
Worked. Thanks!