Field1/(Field2 * 231) * Field3
My caluculations work when I enter my number's in the preview. I just keep geting the
arithmatic over/underflow error and not sure how to fix it.
Field1/(Field2 * 231) * Field3
My caluculations work when I enter my number's in the preview. I just keep geting the
arithmatic over/underflow error and not sure how to fix it.
if (HasValue(Field2) and Field2 <>0) thenField1 / (Field2 * 231) * Field3elsenullendif
Round(Field1/(Field2 * 231) * Field3, 2)
Also ensure there is no zero value in the calculation, this can also cause an arithmatic over/underflow error .
If you expect zero values use an if expression for the calculation like...
var SUM1 = Field1 .rawValue
var SUM2 = Field2 .rawValue
var SUM3 = Field3 .rawValue
if (SUM1 > 0) then
Round(SUM1/(SUM2 * 231) * SUM3, 2)
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Documents you need:
• LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs