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Select All Checkbox

Registered: Nov 12 2009
Posts: 21

I'm trying to create a checkbox that when clicked "on" several other checkboxes are also clicked "on". I am fairly new to Livecycle and scripting. I was trying to use something similar to the following.

if this.rawValue == 1 {
checkbox1.rawValue = 1,
checkbox2.rawValue = 1,
else if
this.rawValue == 0 {
checkbox1.rawValue = 0,
checkbox2.rawValue = 0;}

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jul 17 2008
Posts: 44

I would use the following assuming that all your checkboxes are under the same subform.

1. Make sure the script editor is set to JavaScript
2. Use this code in the click event of your controller checkbox:

if (this.rawValue == 1)
checkbox1.rawValue = 1;
checkbox2.rawValue = 1;
checkbox1.rawValue = 0;
checkbox2.rawValue = 0;

Forms Developer/Designer
Tech-Pro, Inc.
Roseville, MN

Registered: Nov 12 2009
Posts: 21
Thanks...I finally realized it didn't like my checkbox names because they have - in them.