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setting a fillable form to "save as" only (w/ information in fields)

Registered: Nov 16 2009
Posts: 5

I created a fillable form in Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES 8.2. It is a transmittal form with a some text fields and check boxes. We are a small business and dont need to have digital signatures or elevated security. I basically want the form to be on our network drive and behave as if it were a "read-only" form. Our network drive won't let us keep the form as "read-only" for some reason. I want the form to be able to be opened from the network drive, filled in, and only be able to "save as" with the content in the fields. I don't want them to be able to accidentally click "save" which would overwrite the original template. The form has enabled usage rights to reader because some computers in our office dont have acrobat, they only have reader. I also don't want to add any submit button or e-mail button, it just needs to be able to "save as" without overwriting the original.

Please help, I have looked all over for such a simple answer but couldn't find anything. We are a small office and dont use digital signatures other security. The only security I have is a password on the form so the fields can't be changed.

Thanks in advance.

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202

you can't deactivate the save function if the form is reader enabled, so it always can happen, that the original form is overwritten.
But you can do some work arounds.

1a. Create a custom button within the form the users can use for save as action.
1b. Or create a custom button and a folder level script to automatically save the form into a predefined directory on your network drive.

2. Hide the menu item "save" from the file menu with a folder level script.

Depending on your needs and it enviroment, this task isn't that easy to solve, but it's possible to do.

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Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs