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sorting field data in form

Registered: Jan 6 2011
Posts: 9

Quick question, is it possible to sort field data on a pdf form? (ie. users types data in respective field, then clicks a button to sort the fields alphabetically).

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jul 27 2010
Posts: 48
Accepted Answer

You'll probablly need to make some codings.

Follow the URL below and should give you a clue.

Registered: Jan 6 2011
Posts: 9
Thanks for the link. I will definitely check it out.

Registered: Jan 6 2011
Posts: 9
Hi Bamboolian,

I took a look at the PDF mentioned in that link and it seems to only sort static tables, as well as only performing a "reverse" sort, versus an ascending/descending one. Since I am new to the whole world of pdf forms I would be most appreciative of any other insight you could provide regarding this inquiry.


Registered: Jan 6 2011
Posts: 9
Ok,after a bit more searching I have been able to solve the "reverse" aspect by replacing it with "sort" (can't believe how obvious that was....feel stupid). However, that code affects the column only, so if column A is sorted then the other columns remain unchanged. Is there a way to keep row data together when it is sorted (ie. all info in row 1 stays together when a specific column is chosen for sorting).

Registered: Jul 27 2010
Posts: 48
Hi Mark,

Sorry for the late reply as I'm in the other side of the globe.

I noticed that theres an bug in the linked PDF.
To do the sorting keeping the relationship as a row would require handling array in 2 dimensions.

Maybe better to search for standard javascript that sorts table in google.
I'm sorry but explaining javascript table sort in this reply is way too much complicated...
Registered: Jan 6 2011
Posts: 9
No worries on the late reply my friend, you are the one helping me, so no complaints on my end. =)

Understandable about not getting into the complexities "javascript table sort" here in the forum, I will do the research via google as you suggested.

Since I am new to this whole side of things I am surprised at some of the functionality that Adobe has left out of their product. An example is automatic hyperlink creation. I was looking at converting a document I had created in WORD over to a PDF form, but the fact that I can't have email addresses automatically converted into hyperlinks (as they are in WORD, EXCEL, etc.) has prevented me from pursuing this. Interesting none the less. =)

Thanks again Bamboolian, much appreciated.

Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi MarkJones,

Regarding e-mail addresses in a Word doc not converting to active links in the PDF- Do you have the Acrobat Preference in Word "Add Links to Adobe PDF" checked? With that checked, I have no problem converting web addresses and e-mail addresses to active links in PDFs.

Hope this helps,

Registered: Jan 6 2011
Posts: 9
Hi Dimitri,

Thanks for the response. The conversion from word to PDF was more about me actually recreating my word form in PDF, so that It could be a template to use. So my issue with the email address to hyperlink was from a dynamic perspective in relation to PDF forms (ie- person types in an email address and the PDF form automatically converts it to a mailto hyperlink; as it does in word and excel.

Thanks again though for taking the time to respond though, much appreciated.
