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specifiying pt size/baseline in JavaScript?

Registered: Jan 9 2008
Posts: 70


I am using a dropdown box to populate product names in another text box, and the names will need ® or ™ - how do I specify in my JavaScript that I want to change the pt size and adjust the baseline shift?

for example all the other letters in the name would be 12pt , but the ® would be 6pt size, baseline raised 6pt - to be used in a change script for a dropdown box as follows

case "My Part 1":
ProdName.rawValue = "Product® Family"

anyone know how I can specify the size and position of just the ® character in the middle of the string?

Registered: Jan 9 2008
Posts: 70
ok I was told this could be accomplished with xhtml/rich text settings for the text field, but I don't know how to properly insert the xhtml into the JS change event that would populate the field

and to complicate things even more, when I asked the teacher of the Dreamweaver class I just started, she said I would need to create a CSS to make the superscript ® in xhtml... is a css in a pdf even possible?

any thoughts?