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Subform Visibility

Registered: May 5 2009
Posts: 2

Hi, I am new to LiveCycle and form designing. I have a form where I would like some fields to appear based on what was selected in a drop down list. For instance, if the user chooses "New Hire" from the drop down list in the field "Type", then I want additional fields to appear on the form. If they choose "Termination" in the drop down list the additional fields will not appear.

I do not have a database associated with the form. This form will be used for email only.

I tried creating a Choice Subform Set but didn't know how to write the expression to turn on/off the subform and it's imbedded fields.

Any help would be appreciated.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jun 3 2008
Posts: 232
I used checkboxes, instead of a dropdown box, for a form I made that was very similar to this. I put a script like this on the NEWEMP check box:

if (NewEmp.rawValue == true)
{NewEmpSubf.presence = "visible"
SetUpSubf.NEWEMPSecurity.presence = "visible"
SetUpSubf.NEWEMP_RDP.presence = "visible"
SetUpSubf.NEWEMPTerminalServicesDesktop.presence = "visible"
SetUpSubf.NEWEMPAddtoCopiers.presence = "visible"

{NewEmpSubf.presence = "hidden"
SetUpSubf.NEWEMPSecurity.presence = "hidden"
SetUpSubf.NEWEMP_RDP.presence = "hidden"
SetUpSubf.NEWEMPTerminalServicesDesktop.presence = "hidden"
SetUpSubf.NEWEMPAddtoCopiers.presence = "hidden"

Each of the fields started as hidden until a check was put in a box.
Maybe this will help you.