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Submit buttons

Registered: Apr 30 2008
Posts: 10

Hi -

I've created a PDF form in LiveCycle Designer.

It has an e-mail submit button but when I test it out and receive the form via e-mail the attachment only extracts the XML data.

Is there any other type of submit button (preferably an e-mail submit button) where it sends the PDF file EXACTLY how it is?


Registered: Jan 9 2008
Posts: 8

You can simpel use the standard button with submit type and under the new Tab submit choose Submit Format as PDF. Must work,

Kind Regards,
Jeroen Cosijnse

I'm a developper using Livecycle Designer in relationship with SAP (ERP-software) for developping Interactive Forms

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
As mentioned above, create a regular "Button" in the Object palette select "Submit" as the Control type, then under the "Submit" tab add the following in the Submit to URL box:
mailto:myself [at] me [dot] comSelect the Submission Type in the Submit tab as PDF. Next Reader-enable the PDF in Acrobat Pro. It's necessary to Reader-enable your PDF so that everyone can return the entire PDF to you not just the XML data. Your recipients will only need Reader to fill out the form. Just make sure you're conforming to the EULA guidelines for Reader-enabling a form. For details on this visit:

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Apr 30 2008
Posts: 10
Hi -

Thanks for the info.

I tried reader-enabling the PDF form but when I sent the form to other users to test it out they are getting error messages when they hit the "submit" button:


"Acrobat does not allow connection to: myemail [at] email [dot] com"Furthermore when I go to File > Attach to E-mail it sends a blank copy.Ultimately I just want users to open the PDF form, fill it out and send it back using a submit button.

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Are you using a client email program such as Outlook or webmail?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Apr 30 2008
Posts: 10
I'm using Outlook.

It's weird I've tested it BOTH from Reader AND Acrobat and Reader will give me an error message but Acrobat will work perfectly.

But for the most part all the users I've been sending this to to test out are getting errors.