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Submit by email

Registered: May 9 2009
Posts: 10

Need help..I created a form thru LCD 8.0 with "Submit by Email" button...but it attached an .XML instead of .PDF extension file this attachement works with a .pdf file.

"Enable Usage Rights to Adobe Reader..." already done..but still attaching an .xml file

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Apr 18 2009
Posts: 13
You will need to add a button to your form then add the following script under the click function. Make sure your language is set to JavaScript. The key being the "PDF" reference. If you change that to "XML" thats what it will send.

({cURL:"mailto:emailaddress [at] email [dot] com?subject=This is your subject&body=Add any comments in the body of your email here",cSubmitAs:"PDF",cCharset:"utf-8"});