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Subtotals and GrandTotals

Blue Chrome
Registered: Jun 1 2009
Posts: 6

I have a huge pdf document (103 pages) I am converting to a "fillable form" for another department, and several of the pages have spreadsheet-like calculations. I can do the subtotals with a standard javascript calculation:

this.rawValue = field1.rawValue + field2.rawValue...

But when I try to do the grand totals using the subtotal fields in the above calculation, nothing calculates (I type "50" in the field, and "50" shows up in the subtotal field but nothing shows up in the grand total field). I have checked and re-checked the code, I'm wondering if the above code does not work on calculated fields?

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Blue Chrome
Registered: Jun 1 2009
Posts: 6
Okay, I must not have been holding my mouth right because the code above works perfectly with other calculated fields now.

Sorry to waste anyone's time.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Were you trying the orignal action in preview before reopening the form or resolving the nodes?

George Kaiser

Blue Chrome
Registered: Jun 1 2009
Posts: 6
Yes, but I did that this time as well and it worked fine. I do find LifeCycle to be quirky and slow, it may just be my computer, but I often have a document hang on me and I have to close and re-open to finish my work.