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Survey using dynamic form

Registered: May 5 2010
Posts: 66


I have created a dynamic form. The form has a table that a user can add more items. How can I use this form in my survey?

I have done a survey with a static form. I sent a 'distributed' pdf file to users, they filled in the form and emailed to me. When I opened the email, I double clicked the pdf file, Acrobat pop up and asked if I want to add to the current response file, or to a new response file. I use this response file to collect a handful of responses (5-10). Then I export it into CSV. Then I have access database import this csv file.

Now, I would like to do the same with dynamic form. I have done the XML binding with the form and this step is complete. I have created a submit button in a form so that it submit XML file back to the specified email. This XML file works fine. The XML file has 4 tables.

Any suggestion is very appreciated.


Registered: May 4 2010
Posts: 31
Hi Boon,

if you more comfortable collecting response from a PDF file, you can configure the submit button to have a PDF return, instead of XML data.

For that you will have to use a regular button, instead of an email submit button. In the regular button, choose control type as "submit"

then within the same object properties, you have a new SUBMIT section on the top, click to open that.
this section will allow you to define the URL i.e. "mailto:abc [at] xyz [dot] com" and there's a drop down that let's you choose submit type as XML or XDP or PDF.once the users are able to send you back the PDF, it's the same story.

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