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table caluclations

Registered: May 23 2011
Posts: 15

Is there an easy way to do row and column calculations without maually calculating each row? Right now I have had to repeat the same calculations for each row of my table. I want to be able to just do that calculation once for each row of the table.
Is this possible?
Thank you.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Have you looked at any of the samples provided with LiveCycle Designer?

Look at the Interactive Purchase Order form.

For the rows of the Purchase Order to compute the amount column, numAmount:
numQty * numUnitPrice

For the total of the Amount column, numTotal:
// Verify at least one instance of the numAmount field exists.
if (exists(detail[0].numAmount) == 1) then

George Kaiser