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Text Field

Registered: Jun 30 2008
Posts: 4


Im trying to increase the size of the Text field automatically, is this possible?

I have a one-line text field for comments, which i want to resize automatically to whatever size needed for comments. Even on muliple pages.

Have tried to search around, but havent found any solutions to solve my problem.

Registered: Aug 10 2007
Posts: 45
You can do this but it is in two different areas. One is the Object area where you can check "Allow Multiple Lines" which will let the user write as much as they want. Then you go Layout and check the "Expand to fit box"

Bill Guy

Registered: Jun 30 2008
Posts: 4
Thank you for answer.

However, I already been there and tried to turn "Expand to fit" on in addition to "Multiple Lines". But I just get the scroll bars on the right side as normal. Tried a few times now, with blank documents and everything, but still same problem.
Registered: Oct 17 2008
Posts: 2
Before posting message, I am trying to find similar problem and I have the same problem...

The 'allow multiple line' is checked and the 'expand to fit' heilgth is also checked. When I am entering text in the preview, the scroll bar is replaced by + in the right down corner?

What do I do wrong?

Christophe Hanon
Sogeti Consultant