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Text Fields display wrong format

Registered: Mar 6 2007
Posts: 48

Designer Live Cycle 8 is set to be compatible with Reader 7.
A form is created with one of a text fields set to show a 7-digit character. The scheme is set to be 999999.
Problem is when the end user, using Reader 7.09, enters the data, it shows as 1,234,5.
Even though the format of the field is set as 99999, it still shows with the commas. Any ideas, please?

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jul 10 2007
Posts: 92
Since the value you're expecting is entirely numeric, I would recommend you use a numeric field instead of a text field.

Then, make sure that the *Display* pattern property (found in the Object palette's Field tab) is set to "9999999" for a 7 digit number. This will ensure that the value is displayed without a thousands separator (the commas).

The Display pattern specifies how the field's value will be presented (displayed) while the Data pattern ("Object palette > Binding tab") specifies how the field's value will be read from and written to the form's data store.

Stefan Cameron obtained his bachelor's degree with Honors in Computer Science at the University of Ottawa and is a Computer Scientist working on Adobe's LiveCycle server products, in particular on LiveCycle Designer ES for the past 5 years.

Registered: Jan 29 2009
Posts: 75
Hi, I've tried with Numeric Field and Comb of 7 integers, but if the user inputs only 2 numbers (or less of 7) then LCD puts zeroes in the other places, not raise an error instead.
How can I solve?


Registered: Oct 21 2008
Posts: 49
Ciupaz wrote:
Hi, I've tried with Numeric Field and Comb of 7 integers, but if the user inputs only 2 numbers (or less of 7) then LCD puts zeroes in the other places, not raise an error instead.
How can I solve?


I tink that solution I did post in your other question would work here too :-)

Adobe LiveCycle ES 8.2.1 (JBoss & Win)