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Trusted function

Registered: Feb 24 2009
Posts: 5


I developp a PDF with Live Cycle Designer. In this PDF, user can press a Button to make a decision.

When the user clicked on this button, a mail is sent to SAP System.

I want sent a mail without opening outlook; so i develop a script for a trustedfunction :

trustedmailMsg = app.trustedFunction( function ( bUI, cTo, cCc, cBcc, cSubject, cMsg )
app.beginPriv(); // Explicitly raise privilege
app.mailMsg( bUI, cTo, cCc, cBcc, cSubject, cMsg );

But, this file (.js) is set in acrobat user folder.

It is possible to set this script in PDF to avoid deploying script on each user's system ?

Can you help me ?

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
From the Acrobat JS API Reference about trusted functions:
Beginning with Acrobat 6.0, security-restricted methods can execute without restrictions if the document certifier’s certificate is trusted for running embedded high privilege JavaScript.
You can find more information about this under Acorbat's full help 'Set the trust level of a certificate'. So you will need to:

1. Create an Acrobat digital certificate for yourself
2. Distribute it to your users
3. Have your users install your certificte
4. Have your users set your trust level for 'Embedded High Privilege JavaScript'.

George Kaiser

Registered: Feb 24 2009
Posts: 5
With the option 'Embedded high privilege javascript', the file (wich contains script for trusted function) is always useful ?

Where the script for trusted function can be in PDF ?
