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using form data as subject and filename

Registered: Feb 17 2008
Posts: 5


i have designed several forms for different departments to submit daily returns through email. but as it is on a daily basis its would be appreciable if i could use form data such as date to rename the filename and email subject. the clients submits their data in xml format. Is this possible and how please?



Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Unfortunately there is no easy way to change the name of the file that is submitted. This data file is always named after the PDF. So the only way to change the name is to Save the file to a different name on the users local hard drive before submitting.

The email subject is much easier to change. You have two choices.

1) Use JavaScript to modify the underlying XML where the subject line is stored. You can see exacty where the subject is in the XML by selecting the email submit button on your form in LiveCycle Designer and then switching to XML view. Use the "MouseDown" event to make the change.

2) Use the Acrobat JavaScript "submitForm()" function to submit the email instead of the built-in LiveCycle submit button. Like this:;

See this article on using the submitForm function:

Thom Parker
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