I am a beginner with FormCalc and am trying to create a form such that if a particular field has no value, the subsequent field is hidden from the user. If the first field has any text value, then the subsequent field is shown with a drop-down list (this sequence would continue, but I am testing this pair for now).
The first sequence when the text field is null works such that the subsequent field is hidden, which is a start ! However, when I enter text in the first field, I automatically get the word “visible” in the second field in addition to my drop down list ! This can be overwritten, but I would rather have the default value in the drop down list show in the field.
How can I just have the field become visible, but not put the word "visible" in there too ? I tried using the rawValue function, as well as using a default in the object value, but it didn’t make a difference.
Here is the script...volunteer2 and work2 are the names of the fields referred to above.
All inputs are most welcome.
Thanks !
—– F.P1.work2::calculate – (FormCalc, both) ———
if (volunteer2.isNull | volunteer2 == “”) then
work2.presence = “invisible”;
work2.presence = “visible”;
work2.rawValue = work2.rawValue