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Using Grouped Radio Dial Buttons on SEPARATE Rows in a Table

Registered: Jan 22 2008
Posts: 2

Hi, Beginner here. I'm trying to create an HR performance review form where each area of review has it's own table with a header and footer. On each of rows 2-5, there is a radio dial button. Once I group the buttons, they all move as a group to row 2. I can drag the buttons back where they belong in their individual rows, but then I lose the grouping effect and you can select more than one button, instead of just one.

Can someone explain simply how I can fix this problem? Thanks!

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Radio buttons are grouped by name. In the Hierarchy window you'll see that they all appear under the same "Exclusion Group". In a subform with "flowed" content this hierarchy grouping forces the buttons to all be placed next to one another on the displayed page. But if the subform is set to "Positioned" content, the buttons can be placed anywhere with in it, regardless of hierarchy.

This setup is unfortunate because the logical connections between the buttons can be very different from the physical placment of the buttons. But this is how it's done in LiveCycle forms, i.e. the logical and phyiscal hierarchies track one another.

Thom Parker
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Registered: Jan 22 2008
Posts: 136
One thing you can do is place all your radio buttons where you want and select the ones you want in a specific group.

Right Click and hit wrap in new radio button group, this will let you do your own grouping of radio buttons.

I hope that is what you wanted, if not ill try again.