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Using the Purchase Order form

Registered: Jun 8 2007
Posts: 13

I would like to add a button to this form to insert a comment row between the rows existing in the Add item rows.

1. Brakes
2. Hose

I want the new button to insert a row between 1 and 2 so that you could type something like:

1. Brakes
a. We are out of brakes
2. Hose

I have a Director/lingo background so I am unfamiliar wuth javascript.
Any ideas?
Thank you

Registered: Feb 7 2007
Posts: 90
I'm looking for the same thing! Can't anyone provide an answer??
Registered: May 3 2007
Posts: 138
Rather than inserting an extra row, you would be better off making the description row a multi-line text field. Or if you need more flexibility, inserting a subform in the description column, and then placing what ever fields you want in there.