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Visible (screen only)

Registered: Jun 8 2009
Posts: 230

Where I have buttons in my form that I want displayed in the form but not printed, I would normally set these button object properties to 'visible (screen only)'.

However, I have some buttons that I've set up to default as 'hidden' with scripts that make them 'visible' as required.

Instead of scripting them to become 'visible' when I want, what syntax should I use to make them 'visible (screen ony)'? I've tried the following 4 lines separately - none have worked:

resetBtn.presence = "visible (screen only)";
resetBtn.presence = "-print";
resetBtn.presence = "screen only";
resetBtn.presence = "(screen only)";

Any suggestions?

from way... underground at Parkes - central West NSW - Australia

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jan 31 2008
Posts: 133
From the LiveCycle Designer ES Scripting Reference (good thing to have):

Registered: Oct 27 2008
Posts: 80
Assigned to what event? PrePrint? Initialize?
I need to do the exact same thing, but only for a CAPTION to a field, not the field itself or a button.

Thanks so much.

Salix, Iowa

Registered: Jan 31 2008
Posts: 133
I think you could put it on the Initialize event for the button, or as part of the script that shows the button.

Not sure how you would do it for a caption...You would probably have to remove the caption in a prePrint event and restore it in the postPrint event.
Registered: Jun 8 2009
Posts: 230
Ah I couldn't make it work, but I probably assigned it to the wrong event - certainly I didn't try 'initialize', so I'll give that a go now. Glad you asked that question Poregon.

from way... underground at Parkes - central West NSW - Australia

Registered: Jun 8 2009
Posts: 230
Hmmm... still didn't work for me. It just hides the button from view altogether. Maybe I need to consider the 'preprint' scenario you've suggested for Poregon.

from way... underground at Parkes - central West NSW - Australia