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Why this dynamic table doesn't work correctly?

Registered: Apr 24 2008
Posts: 45

Hi all,

I have a big problem and I don't know what's the error. I have a xdp with a dynamic table with three columns (provincia, carreteras, localidades). My xdp has a data connection with an xml. For "provincia" field, i have in the xml file this code


so, when I'm using the pdf preview in LC, "provincia" field has all these values of the xml. My problem is I have a button which add a new row in my dynamic table with the same three columns but in these dynamic rows, "provincia" field is empty, the xml values for aren't add to this "provincia" dynamic field and I don't know why.

Any suggestion, please? Any advice will be appreciate

Thanks in advance


Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Do you mean that "provincia" is a drop-down list, and the items are bound to entries in the XML data source?

If the list item data is in an external XML file, then this file has to be imported before the items are added to the list. Once the XML file is imported, these values will persist in the forms data model. Creating new instances of the drop-down list should repopulate the list items from the existing data model.

I did a test, similar to what you described and it worked fine (on Acrobat 8). The form initially has three lines of a repeated subform. In the subform is a drop-down list. When the form was first opened, the drop-down was empty, no list items. Importing the XML populated the drop-down list items in each of the three lines. Each time a new instance of the subform containing the drop-down was created dynamically, it contained all of the list items. So I know this works.

Please explain your process in more detial. What version of Acrobat are you using?

Thom Parker
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Registered: Apr 24 2008
Posts: 45
Hi Thomb,

You're right, I mean a drop-down list. I think the problem was about a problem configuration in my laptop because I have try to do the same in my pc and it works right. I don't think another reason.

thanks a lot for your help, thomb, and sorry again for bothering you with mail

Kind regards
