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Acrobat Distiller(7.0)indicates PostScript error: no pdf file produced

Registered: Jun 21 2010
Posts: 4

I created a number of EPS files from the old DOS SCORE program (music typography). When I attempt to convert them to pdf files with Acrobat Distiller, the program doesn't recognize the embedded fonts (Times New Roman) and doesn't convert any of the files. This is strange, for when I open up the Acrobat main window, and drag one of the the EPS files into it, it immediately converts it to a pdf, and substitutes (I guess) a font it likes and uses that. But I have to then convert 34 files manually. How can I tell Distiller to ignore the font(s) it doesn't like and substitute something else, like the Acrobat program?


Registered: Jun 21 2010
Posts: 4
Where are the Adobe experts that are supposed to help with these questions?


Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Maybe their crystal balls maybe a bit foggy!

Any line or statement that is malformed or has a syntax error can create an error. There are many possible errors for any one line. Without the error and additional command line and stack data recorded in the distiller log file, it is very hard to guess the exact cause of the error and how to fix it.

Does this happen for all files?

[url=]Troubleshoot PostScript errors[/url] Adobe
[url=]The basics of PostScript errors[/url]
[url=]PostScript errors[/url]
[url=]EPS in ten easy stages[/url] Quite Software

The is a User2User forum and the responders are not paid by Adobe or the users they help. And provide this as a free service. so it is possible that it could take more than one day to get an answer. There are also many questions that do not get an answer.

George Kaiser

Registered: Jun 21 2010
Posts: 4
Dear Mr. Kaiseril:

Thank you for responding. My snarky comment was just to see if there was anyone out there. When I get back to the ranch, I will run the Distiller and capture the log file for your review. Since all the files were created by the same program, representing individual pages of a music score, I get the same error for each page. I worked around the error by importing each EPS file into Acrobat, which immediately converted every page into the proper pdf. I will also look at the help links that you have posted.


Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420

What release and version of Acrobat are you using?
Standard/Professional --- 9/8/7/6/.... ?

With Acrobat Professional Batch Sequences are available.

Postscript/EPS can be batched into PDF.
In Preferences, select the Category "Convert to PDF".
The center pane of the Preferences dialog displays what is supported.
Scroll to and select Postscript/EPS.
Click the Edit Settings button.
The Adobe PDF Settings dialog displays.
The default "Adobe PDF Setting" is "Standard".
This is a Distiller job option.
The drop-down menu displays the other "out of the box" job options.

It is good to open Distiller and to look over the configuration settings associated with all available job options.
One feature address fonts and embedding.
The Distiller job option that is being used, in your situation, may be configured to not embed fonts or subsets.
You may want to look at Press Quality or High Quality Print job options.
Edit as desired. Save to a new job option.
Back in Preferences, set this as the designated job option to use.

After creating a new Batch Sequence you do not have to select any of the "out of the box" provided sequences.
You can run it across the EPS files held in a folder and obtain individual output PDFs.
However, it is often useful to use them. One lets you load metadata (title - subject - author - keywords) and another lets you establish the initial view a PDF presents when opened

Be well...

Be well...