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Acrobat Hyperlinks

Registered: Oct 13 2009
Posts: 2

I am trying to create a hyperlink in the table of contents for a procedure that will go to the topic withing the procedure and show just the text pertaining to the specific topic and exclude any surrounding text. Is there a way to do this?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
A procedure connotes a flow of text present in an authoring application that has been published out to PDF. In this output PDF The individual PDF pages' content is set.

Perhaps re-mastering the procedure, in the authoring application, to provide discrete files or page starts for the specific steps or sections is something to consider.
A link in the PDF toc would then be set to a specific "step" PDF or to a specific PDF page.

Something that may (sortof) provide what you are seeking --
Use the link action "go to a page view; at the link's target page adjust the page view magnification so the desired text (or start of it) fills the screen. Then "set" the link.

However, the PDF's page content above and below is still present and can be viewed by the user via a scroll of the page.
Also, the user can change the page view magnification.

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Be well...