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acrobat pdf printer --> where is my file?

Registered: Apr 22 2010
Posts: 2

Hi list,

probably a very stupid question but i bought Acrobat for OS X, and got this nice Adobe PDF printer. But i never use it because i cannot find the supposed pdf file it makes anywhere?

How do i change settings for this printer so i can find where it leaves my files?
How come i cannot find a way to make it save files where i can find them - or OS X for that matter,

thank you for helping me out - this drives me crazy - almost wiped out the Acrobat software on my box with a solemn and deep hatred for anything Adobe - but it passed :)

Lucky me
thank you

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 7.1.4, Macintosh
Registered: Feb 1 2010
Posts: 85
you can set the output folder

I will try my best to help you in PDF converison fields, objectively and Neutral.