Renaming ANY pdf file containing bookmarks used for navigation results in the page link being shifted one page forward in the "new" document. Whether renamed in place, pasted and renamed in a new folder, etc. This error destroys the integrity of any pdf file deployed for business use and is devastating in the distribution and updating of teaching and training documents.
Bookmarks are apparently not the problem but rather the renaming and the exisiting links code.
Also (maybe related) is the fact that the "removing hidden data function" in an existing pdf results in a file over twice the size of the origninal! It happens in every case when renaming is involved and I'm not certain when you maintain the original file name.
This is a monumental problem for my applications and precludes future use of Pro X!
I can't find any related info. Help please!
- renaming a file in the operating system (e.g. via Windows Explorer) or moving it to a new folder has NO effect on the contents of the file whatsoever. It *certainly* doesn't affect bookmarks in a PDF.
- Using File > Save As > PDF in the Acrobat menus could in theory cause a change to a file, as part of the default action is to optimize the file for web viewing - but we've tested hundreds of files and have never seen a problem. If it was a genuine bug, tens of thousands of users would be posting to the forums about it.Please reply with a step-by-step explanation of what the file contains, where it was created, how you are causing the issue and on what operating system version. If possible, please supply a copy of a before-and-after PDF file to demonstrate the change.