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acrobat reader window closes automatically

Registered: Oct 23 2007
Posts: 35

Apologies if this is too elementary...

While the reader is not yet open, if I click on a link that downloads a pdf, this reader that gets opened will close automatically once I do File->Close on the document. If the link I click on downloads multiple documents (and I have open all docs in same window set), then the reader will close automatically once I File->Close on the last document.

Is there a way to get the reader NOT to close automatically? Thanks.

My Product Information:
Reader 8.1.1, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Try running the Help --> Repair Installation in Reader to see if this helps address the problem.What browser/OS are you using?

You can also try selecting the "Display PDF In Browser" in the Internet preferences in Acrobat or Adobe Reader.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for