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Acrobat Stat Time VERY Long

Registered: Apr 11 2006
Posts: 39

Acrobat (and Photoshop) take a LONG time to start. I found that they 'query' every directory on my system (it appears). Is this "normal" behavior or might the program have been corrupted ?

Mr. Jiggs

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0999999999999996447286321199499070644378662109375, Windows
Registered: Sep 28 2005
Posts: 248
In general, Acrobat has, does, and most likely, will take an inordinate amount of time to launch. A great number of strides were made with Acrobat 8 to signifigantly improving launch/load times.

That being said, what makes you feel that "Acrobat ... [wants to] 'query' every directory on my system (it appears" What leads you to believe this behavior is occuring? And on what sort of platform?

Acrobat does indeed load files and settings from a large number of locations. And the organizer tool does need to refresh itself from time to time. Could this be what you are looking at? Or do you think there is something else going on here?


Douglas Hanna is a member of the Production Print Technology team at Aon.

Registered: Apr 11 2006
Posts: 39
Using SysInternals ProcMon utility I can see Acrobat 'querying', 'reading' and 'writing' in basically EVERY directory on my system (670 Gb). I'm running WinXP pro SP2 (all updates/patches applied). I also do development work (VS2005) on this machine, so its got LOTS of stuff on it. In one instance it took over 4 minutes for Acrobat to become responsive ! I HOPE (though am not happy) this is the 'normal' behavior and that I haven't been infected. (I run Symantec's Corporate AV software)

Mr. Jiggs