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Acrobat version 6 issues

Registered: Oct 18 2011
Posts: 2

I have an issue where I have created print ready PDFs which view in version 9 ok, but when I send them to the printer (who is using version 6) the foreign language fonts used in the file do not render correctly in spite of being embedded.
The printer says that his whole printing system is set up using Acrobat version 6 and to upgrade would be a big big job.
Is there any way of me creating my PDF so that it will work properly in version 6?

Registered: Jul 16 2009
Posts: 26
In this case I think converting the pages into raster formats is the last solution.
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
olivera - terrible idea. Fonts are vector-based for a reason! You seem intent on telling people not to use Acrobat and PDF properly, and it's starting to get annoying.

Stevemcd - PDFs for commercial printing are best saved in PDF/X-1a:2001 format, which is one of the standard options available from Distiller's presets (and also via InDesign, etc). PDF/X embeds all the fonts and targets the oldest possible Acrobat version (PDF/1.4) - it's designed to work reliably on any PDF-based digital print workflow, so if your printer still has problems it's their setup at fault, not yours. They may be trying to do something stupid like re-frying the content (re-exporting the PDF to PostScript) in software that can't read embedded fonts.
Registered: Jul 16 2009
Posts: 26
I know this is a terrible solution. But sometimes terrible solutions are the last choice when the end-user do not cooperate in solving the real source of the problem.
Registered: Oct 18 2011
Posts: 2
Thanks for your responses, yeah I'm outputting the PDFs from Quark in PDF/X-1a:2001 format. But there's no option in Quark to choose the version of Acrobat you would like the PDF to be compatible with as there is in Indesign. And yeah like I said the printer is having a problem with it, they've conceded it's their problem but they're doing the job for free for us and upgrading their systems is not an option.

Maybe I need to join a Quark forum and find out if there's a way to ensure compatibility with earlier versions of Acrobat?