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Backwards Compatability

Registered: Mar 25 2007
Posts: 2

I have got a trial of Acrobat Pro 8. I am making PDFs with video files in them. For people to view these files do they need acrobat pro 8 or will an earlier version work? Also will Reader work?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Registered: May 30 2006
Posts: 96
First, you should be SURE to test any such files prior to distribution!

Second, users will not need Acrobat Pro to view your files, Reader will work fine.

Users with older versions of Acrobat/Reader may see a message telling them that they don't have the latest version. In general, you shouldn't have any problems back to Acrobat 6 or so, but there are some specific circumstances that could change that.

Duff Johnson
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