Hello: I use the "evermap" plugin for generating a standalone batch file that was created in Adobe Acrobat Professional version 8.11. The batch file works ok and it will launch acrobat, perform the required processes then close acrobat.
PROBLEM: I have a small VB app that monitors this batch process. I am scripting the VB app to "Check shell status" and if the shell returns a zero it will kickstart the batch file again. This ensures that I am not running the batch 2x at the same time. The issue is that when acrobat closes the shell status does not return a 0 it returns a 1 (minor error occured)
Question: Does anyone know why acrobat batches close with a shell status of 1 and how do you resolve this type of issue?
Question 2: Is it possible to copy the code from acrobat generated batch files (The sequence files found under the program group) and paste them into the javascript editor window thus creating a batch file with the "Start job" and "end job" functions? Is this possible or am i pipe dreaming?
George Kaiser