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Batch Processing OCR Error: Out of Memory

Registered: Jan 14 2011
Posts: 2

I'm using the Batch Process to OCR around 10-20 documents (each up to about 40 pgs) when this error occurs. It will only happen on a couple of files per batch but the Batch Process continues to run and the next file after the one that generated the error might OCR just fine. Even though the OCR wasn’t completed on the file, an output file is generated making it appear as if it worked. Only when you open the file and check page by page can you tell that some pages were not properly OCRed. When I restart the process for just the documents that had errors, the second time through, they work just fine. The error message will give certain page numbers in the document that didn’t work and state that it is Out of Memory.
Does anyone know why this is occurring and what can be done to get rid of it? Or at least make sure an output file is not created if the OCR process isn’t completed for the entire document?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi aj_cotton,

I've heard of that Out of Memory error for pages with lots of images on them- are the failures in your documents all on graphic intensive pages?

Hope this helps,

Registered: Jan 14 2011
Posts: 2
Thanks for your response!
None of the files have images. They are all text files (legal briefs) scanned to PDF on a copy machine. They have wide margins and all the text is double spaced. Occasionally the pages might get a little skewed, but those pages don't seem to be the ones that cause an errors. The pages in error are indistinguishable from the others in the document.
Any help would be appreciated.

Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi aj_cotton,

I've never tried to push that much through, so not sure why Acrobat is not recognizing that the OCR failed on some of those pages, or fails to recognize any text is on the failed pages.
Here is a Knowledge base article with some tips on settings that can cause poor performance-

I hope someone else will weight in here that has more experience with large batch jobs like yours and has maybe experiences this issue.

Hope this helps,
